Bais HaVaad works hand in hand with Rabbanim and spiritual leaders nationwide, setting up and maintaining a full functioning Choshen Mishpat Community Kollel geared to professionals and businessmen. A clear schedule and syllabus along with tailor-made resource material is compiled and delivered, directed to the specific level, speed, and frequency of each Chaburah.
Clear resource material with actual ma’are mekomos (hard copy or via email)
Shoel U’Maishiv: Dayan available to answer questions concerning the material in the mornings & evenings
E-mail support of resource material throughout the day
Supplement audio shiurim
Weekly shiur (live or via video-conference)
Individualized Versions of the Material:
Choshen Mishpat for Bnei Torah:
Geared to graduates of “The Yeshiva system”
Individualized Chavrusa learning
Daily 2-3 hour commitment
Local Rosh Chabura who will deliver weekly Chabura
Choshen Mishpat for the Student and Professional (Daily version):
Running English explanation of all sources and decisions
1-2 hour daily commitment
Can be studied with Chavrusa or with a group
Choshen Mishpat for the Community (Weekly version):
Group meets once a week for 1-3 hours
Administered and mentored by the community leader
Occasional visits by Dayanim of the Bais HaVaad for comprehensive class
For more information please call 1.888.485.VAAD (8223) ex 309 or contact us online; Or simply fill out the form below.